Owing to an error by the hosting company, the archive of the first 100 editions of The Corncrake was wiped from the record. Owing to the kindness of a number of individuals, especially Melanie McKellar and Angela Skrimshire, it will be possible to recreate that archive. It will take a wee while, but work will start fairly soon.
Incidentally, Melanie is researching her Colonsay connections and visited the island recently. Melanie has kindly left a copy of her extensive research, centred upon the lines of descent from Rebecca Blue (b. 12 April 1801) who died 1859, Riasgbuidhe, also Alexander McNeill 1800-1862, Rebecca Blue, Duncan Blue and Duncan McFadyen. It is hoped to use her comprehensive information in an article at a later date, but anybody wishing to refer to the material or to contact Melanie should contact Kevin Byrne.
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