Grace and Hannah, two unsung heroes who are achieving truly amazing things. Trying to make things easy for oneself, your temporary editor asked them for an update:
‘Recycle for Colonsay’ is an ambitious project which aims to change the community’s attitude towards waste, recycling and minimising our carbon footprint as an island. We are seeking financial support from the Climate Challenge Fund over a 12 month period to help us educate and encourage the community to reduce CO2 emissions in a number of ways. Initiatives will include a community allotment, composting courses, a cycling challenge and a recycling depot.
A recent feasibility study showed that the current recycling facilities on Colonsay are inadequate and a local survey demonstrated that 89% would recycle more regularly if a community recycling depot was created. A recycling depot will allow us to process glass, paper & card locally. A small income will be generated from the sale of fuel briquettes and aggregate, and a part-time job will be available.
The ‘Colonsay Cycling Challenge’ aims to significantly reduce CO2 emissions and promote a healthy lifestyle by challenging 15 people to swap one 8 mile car journey for a cycled journey every week for a year. Participants will have their progress monitored regularly and incentives and rewards will be offered!
The future of this project largely depends on our funding application being successful. If we are successful in securing the necessary funding then the project will commence in April 2015. If you’d like to get involved (we’re always looking for volunteers!), or just need some more information, please don’t hesitate to contact Grace – colonsayldo3@yahoo.co.uk
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