We had a nice start to the year, with the highest temperature to date being recorded on 9th April at 16.0 C. but unfortunately we then encountered a bitterly cold period lasting 6 weeks (so far) – the second highest temperature was only 14.7 degrees, recorded on 24th May and only on ten days in May did the temperature reach or exceed 12 degrees; Kevin retires as schoolbus driver at the end of term, and a new contractor has been appointed, rumoured to have a bigger and certainly a better bus; Gavin has taken delivery of a luxurious caravan and with much help from friends and neighbours has established himself in the former silage pit at Mull Dubh , a veritable suntrap which now has a faintly Moroccan look, since Scott whitewashed all the walls; the Pantry has new doors and a very swish electronic till, able to hold almost unlimited takings; John and Diane have moved to a modern house in Glen Odhran, and Glen Cottage is to be a holiday let, renamed as Harbour View, and there are rumours of a Blue Placque to mark it as the childhood home of Danny Alexander; Ella has celebrated her ninth birthday; Grace and Keir are safely home from their expedition to Grenada, probably glad to get away from the heat; we hope to have news of a new baby later this month, and there are rumours of another before Christmas!
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