Hannah, our LDO, has secured funding for an all-singing, all-dancing Colonsay App which is being designed by BlueMungus. Some of us are a bit unfamiliar with such things but apparently it will have an interactive map and the user can select symbols according to taste – beauty spots, places of interest, shop, church, pantry etc. If, for example, you select The Pantry you will get contact details, hours of opening, possibly a menu and (who knows?) a glimpse of the Dish of the Day. Obviously the final thing will be as good as the information supplied but there will be a facility to suit the more proactive provider.
Places of Interest are being “populated” (note the early-adoption of the lingo) as we speak; there is to be a bit of background about each place and a picture… it is envisaged that users will be able to submit possible additions to the initial offering, and also to submit improved pictures (not too difficult, since the originals are being taken in mid-winter conditions).
Beauty spots are less of a problem, since good pictures of such places are to hand. There will of course be information on tide times, sun and moon rise and setting, links to weather and transport and particular attention is to be paid to the “What’s On” aspect, with the full annual timetable of festivals and events to be updated as often as required. This area should include Notice Board and Hot News. It is envisaged that there will be a rolling calendar of (say) three weeks, so that one can know exactly what is happening during the course of a visit. Hopefully there will also be a link to a page giving details of any late-availability, cancellations or special offers on accommodation within that same 3 – 4 weeks rolling period.
Timing is all – we hope that the App will be available for download in time for Easter, maybe even St. Patrick’s Day. Details will appear on Friends of Colonsay and other FaceBook pages, Twitter and all the usual places.
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