Letters etc.
No letters received.
In Conclusion
The Corncrake is published to keep all our friends in touch with life on the island and invites contributions. Brief genealogical and related queries are also welcome from Colbhasachs overseas, as are obituaries and family traditions relating to Colonsay emigrants. The current edition was produced Kevin Byrne, as a temporary editor, and any comments will be welcomed if addressed to byrne@colonsay.org.uk As usual, it is not intended to be completely anodyne, but any errors or omissions are regretted, and anything seriously annoying will if possible be suitably modified.
Please note that we are still looking for a new editor – any candidate should contact any member of the CCDC Board (which happens to own the publication and to be the ultimate governor).
Also – please keep an eye on both Colonsay Kindred and Colonsay History, two little newsletters run by Kevin Byrne; access them via www.colonsayhistory.info
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